Indonesian Beef Rendang Recipe

Ingredients :

  • 1 kg beef, cut into small pieces to taste
  • 2 liters of coconut milk from 3 grains of old coconut.
  • 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
  • 1 sheet turmeric leaf
  • 5 lime leaves, tied with turmeric leaf
Spices :
  • 12-20 red chillies, ground
  • 6 red onions
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 cm ginger
  • 5 cm galangal
  • Salt to taste
Directions Indonesian Beef Rendang Recipe :
  1. Marinate beef that has been cut along with spices that have been refined at least 1 hour.
  2. Cook the coconut milk in the pan over medium heat, stirring occasionally until the coconut oil floats on the surface (at least 20 minutes) and set aside.
  3. Insert the meat with spices and coconut milk as much as 300 cc (until the meat is submerged.)
  4. Enter the turmeric leaves, lime leaves and lemongrass, cook over medium heat, stir until half of the coconut milk evaporates.
  5. Pour another 100 cc coconut milk and stir until all the water in coconut milk evaporates.
  6. Continue stirring and add the remaining coconut milk, about 100 cc for all castings.
  7. Cook until the meat becomes tender (at least 1 ½ hours) and until all the water evaporates in coconut milk and rendang spices cooked.

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